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Display image description
Single computed slice through a tomographic reconstruction of a selectively-stained spiny dendrite from a medium spiny neuron contained in a 4 um thick section from the neostriatum of a dopamine transporter knock out mouse.
Full resolution image description
Tar file containing the IMOD .rec format (datko_g4T4_full.rec) for the volume reconstruction and Amira .am/.hx format image stack of the labels used (, datko_g4T4.hx).
571, 1024, 156
Animation description
A .qt movie of a maximum intensity projection from a spiny dendrite volume reconstruction.

Image 2D
Display image description
Electron micrograph of a selectively-stained spiny dendrite from a medium spiny neuron contained in a 4 um thick section from a dopamine transporter knock out mouse, imaged using ultra high voltage electron microscopy.
Full resolution image description
Tar file containing IMOD files ( used for the alignment and the original tiff images (in the TIFF folder in the format datkoc_g4T4000.tif.gz)
Animation description
Animation of aligned electron microscopic tilt series of a selectively-stained spiny dendrite from a medium spiny neuron contained in a 4 um thick section from a dopamine transporter knock out mouse, imaged using ultra high voltage electron microscopy. Tilt series was obtained at 2 degree increments through +/- 70 degrees of tilt.

Display image description
Segmentation of individual dendritic spines and shaft in Analyze .obj format. Spines were segmented using simple thresholding and morphological operations.
Segmentation file description
a .tar file containing the .obj file generated by Analyze AVW (datko_g4T4.obj) along with the segmented volume in Analyze 7.5 format (datko_g4T4_mor.hdr/img).

Attribution Only: This image is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. View License Deed | View Legal Code

CCDB:3339*  Cite 
Project: P1207
Project name
Correlative microscopic characterization of dendritic spines in a transgenic mouse model of hyperdopaminergia: The dopamine transporter knockout mouse
Multiscale characterization of DAT KO transgenic mouse
Funding agency
Diana Price
Aki Laakso
Michele Cyr
Maryann Martone
Naoko Yamada
Andrea Thor
Monica Berlanga
Start date
End date
Experiment ID
Experiment date
P1207 Experiment 1
EMT reconstructions of medium spiny neuron dendrites
Diana Price
Masako Terada
Andrea Thor
Microscopy product
Microscopy product ID
Hitachi 3MeV UHVEM
Microscopy type
Product type
single tilt tomography
Image basename
Spatial Axis Image Size Pixel Size
X 2689px 0.021 um/pixels
Y 4006px 0.021 um/pixels
Scientific name
mus musculus
Group by
genetic manipulation
Knockout of dopamine transporter
6 months
Age class
Tissue section
Anatomical location
Tissue product storage
P1207 Slide Box 1
4 µm
Specimen description
central nervous
spiny dendrite
Map location
View location
Cell type
medium spiny neuron
Atlas coordinate
0, 0, 0,
Imaging parameters
Electron microscopy product
Recording medium
Accelerating voltage
3 MeV
Specimen preparation
Protocol used
Experiment #1DAT KO mouse 01/09/03Description: Photoconverted dye-filled striatal medium spiny neurons for EMAnimal Info:ID# 980Weight: 27gDOB: 7/8/02Protocol1. Perfusion (at Duke) Nembutal; 4% paraformaldehyde + 0.1% gluteraldehyde2. Sectioned on Vibratome (at NCMIR)Thickness = 100 micronsStore in 1X PBS in fridge3. Fill cells with Lucifer yellow4. Store slices with filled cells in 4% para in fridge5. Wash 6x with PBS 1X (on ice)6. When ready to begin photoconversion, turn on the chiller in confocal room. Set at ~4?C. The refrigerator unit should be set at TEMP < 45?C. Switch ON. Stage needs around 20 minutes to come to temperature. Pull unit out into hallway (to avoid increase in temperature).6. Place slices in 2% glut/PBS on ice for 15 minutes0.8 ml 25% gluteraldehyde2 ml 5x PBS6.2 ml ddH207. Briefly wash slices in PBS8. Place slices in PBS/glycine for a few minutes38 mg glycine10 ml 1x PBS9. Follow instructions for Photoconversion of Lucifer Yellow-filled cells10. After photoconversion, remove DAB solution and wash slice 3x 10 minutes in generous volumes of PBS on ice. Must remove all DAB before beginning osmification.Microwaving protocol for osmication, dehydration, and embedding of photoconverted slices* Prepare Resin mix and let it sit covered and undisturbed until needed (instructions by fume hood in embedding area).* Rinse slices with a generous amount of cold 1X PBS on ice for ~ 10 min.* Turn on circulating bath (over 20?C, ~ RT): water bath (left hand side) will fill. * Insert temperature probe* Fill other T-beaker with water* Set temperature to 35?C* Open new bottle of 100% ethanol and prepare following dilutions:90% ethanol70% ethanol50% ethanol* Make up osmium solution under fume hood and chill on ice* 1% osmium tetroxide in PBS on ice.2.0 ml PBS 5Xthen 5.5 2x distilled H2O2.5 ml Osmium 4%* Rinse w/ 2x distilled H2O ? 3 x 5min* Warm up microwave for 2 minutes on high* Label tubes & place in rack on ice* Fill tubes with osmium solution (w/ meniscus at 0.5)* Using glass hooks, transfer slices to tubes* Remove temperature probe & set temp above 50?C.* Put rack w. tubes in for 40 sec at full power* Change rear water load in T-beaker* Change osmium solution on ice and microwave for another 40 seconds at full power* Rinse samples for 2 minutes in distilled water on benchtop (at RT)* Insert petri bath with H2O under rack* Dehydration steps (2 x 40 seconds per step; all @ 35?C)1st2nd50% EtOH70% EtOH90% EtOH100% EtOH100% Acetone* All of the dehydration steps should be carried out in microcentrifuge tubes filled with 600 ml of solution. Temperature probe should be in petri dish and set for 35. Change water in rear water load when warm to touch.* Change from water to acetone in petri bath under rack ? check acetone bath level every 3 minutes* Infiltration steps (both @ 50?C): With a 50/50 mixture of resin and acetone:1 x 15 min1:1 Resin:acetone* Check rear water load at 7.5 minutesSwitch to 100% resin for 3 x 10 minutes:1st2nd3rd100% Resin*Periodically check rear water load* Flat embed samples between mould release slides and place in embedding oven under vacuum.
Imaging product type
Single tilt
Imaging product type
Through focus
transmitted light z series through photoconverted medium spiny dendride
Z step
.54 microns
Psf file